+49- (0) 2432 89153-0

Gämmerler, KL 560

  • Referenz-Nr.:M6434
  • Manufacturer:Gämmerler
  • Type:KL 560
  • Year:2008
  • Size:105 mm x 140 mm , 330 mm x 500 mm
  • Price:on request
  • Description:
  • - Speed: ~90.000 cph (product permitting)
  • - min format product (head/foot x spine): 105 mm x 140 mm
  • - max format product (head/foot x spine): 330 mm x 500 mm
  • - max pagination: 96p tab & magazine, 32p digest & delta
  • - Product orientation: Spine leading
  • - Low Infeed
  • Bolahvf8E
  • - Infeed height (min/max in mm): ~560-970 mm
  • - Waste gate
  • - Stream Aligner / Jogger
  • - Single squeeze roller
  • - Laser Counter, model: Denex Edge Detec
  • - Upper bin height in mm: 200 mm
  • - Upper Bin with Servo Lift System - two
  • - Turntable with compression plates

Offer Request
